Monday, February 2, 2009

My Arm and Nation Lamed

My right arm paralyzed in the battles of Wilderness and my Confederacy in shambles, I am only distraught. Distraught that my arm was lamed only to witness our surrender, distraught at our efficient defeat, and distraught most of all that even I admit that no other option can be conceived on our Appomattox battlefield. Imagine my surprise on finding that my former West Point comrade Grant on the other side of the partition, outmaneuvering our own every step of the way. Though I knew that Grant would be a favorable negotiator, I still believed that if he presented us with unimaginable terms, we would fight it out to the bitter end. After realizing that my function as the First and Third Corps Commander served mainly as reliance for that of Gordon, it was with a heavy heart that I recommended to Lee that we surrender. However, I find that Lincoln is not a disagreeable man, and I hope to aid in the reconciliation of South to North in these upcoming months as best I can.

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