Thursday, January 22, 2009

Victourious Embitterment

GLORIOUS DISASTER! Lost opportunity never to be found elsewhere lest the Almighty smile upon us once more. How those embellished Union soldiers fled amongst their crowd, tails tucked squarely between their entangled legs, cannot be conveyed in words without the loss of that all quality which instills me with hope for the future. Yet our commanders let us not pursue thsoe that would take us lightly to a swift and sound defeat. How I regret allowing those flee within the crowd, leaving behind only traces of the ashamed. Still so, this can only be counted as victory for our nation, a word that the Union will be forced upon.
Let this smiting victory be testament to the emergence of the Confederacy. Let bitterness sweep those of the aristocracy which would bathe in the sun atop cherished family blankets. Most of all, let the realization burn in every Union heart that the Confederacy is not an institution to be taken with wine glasses and powdered wigs, but met with bayonet in kind. Let Manassas be the first step to independance.

1 comment:

  1. Longstreet, your victory is a figment of your imagination. This battle may have been almost indecisive, but in the end, the Union was the victor.
